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(1 edit)

can this be played with only 2 player?

(1 edit) (+2)

if anybody reads this pls join into the game we need more people 17.november.2020 


Hi, nice soundtrack, very immersive, good enviroment. but let me question something.. Is there a goal to reach or a story behind? I couldn´t find anything that could lead me to something neithe. Thank you for this preety game.

(1 edit) (-1)

The game is an online multiplayer game so without other players it doesn't really work properly sadly.

I recommend coordinating with a medium to large group of friends and playing it anonymously with them!


It keeps giving me an error saying I don't have permission to access some file when i start it up?


What version are you downloading and have you unzipped all the files?


I have extracted everything with winrar. I am running the 64 bit version

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That's strange. I just re-downloaded that build from itch to verify that it works and it is fine on my end. Perhaps try downloading it again and if the problem still occurs, try running it as administrator.


The 32 bit version seems to fix the problem


Hi, how send the message at the beginning? i´m stuck:(((((


You can press T to chat, type what you want, and then press Enter to send it.


Tonight at 7pm EST log in to The Scarlet Cypress Hotel and hang out with other players!


I really like the idea behind this! I wish more people would play so I can truly enjoy the game's unique mechanics... Hopefully more people will try it soon!


wooow cool idea, but I tried to play and the servers are empty... I wish more recognize to this game

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Hopefully more players adopt it over time but you can also organize a play session if you have 5+ friends.


Donations will help us pay for better servers for the game so if you enjoyed it (or the servers are full and you would like to enjoy it) consider leaving a tip!