A downloadable tool for Windows

This tool has been retired in favor of the more versatile Playtime Tracking Fixer which can be used with any game including FFXI. FFXI Playtime Tracking Fixer still works but will no longer be updated.


Steam doesn't track playtime properly in Final Fantasy XI because of how the game is launched through PlayOnline. This tool makes Steam recognize that the game is running, making it track your playtime on the platform!

FFXI Steam Playtime Tracking Fixer is not compatible with any third party launchers for FFXI. It only works if you launch the game directly from Steam.


FFXI Steam Playtime Tracking Fixer (Windows 32-bit) 25 MB

Install instructions

  1. Back up your files before changing anything! The tool doesn't modify the game's files but better safe than sorry.
  2. Extract all zipped files into your FFXINA folder.
    1. You can get to this folder easily from Steam by right clicking on FFXI and selecting "Browse Local Files". 
  3. Set the launch option to: "PATH TO YOUR GAME INSTALL HERE\FFXINA\FFXI Steam Playtime Tracking Fixer.exe" %command% replacing "PATH TO YOUR GAME INSTALL HERE" with the path to your FFXINA folder. 
    1.  The default path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FFXINA\FFXI Steam Playtime Tracking Fixer.exe" but if you have it on a different drive you will need to adjust the path.
  4. Press play on Steam and keep the console application window open. Steam will recognize that window as FFXI and track the playtime while it remains open.

Development log